Open for abstract submissions
Deadline January 31st 2023
You can submit your abstracts for oral and poster presentations on this webpage. Look below for submission guidance and the online form to submit your abstract.
Submission guidance - poster & oral presentations
Your abstract should not exceed 400 words and should focus on QI or research in anaesthesia, perioperative medicine, pain medicine, intensive care medicine or our environmental impact. Ideally this will be a project that has either been completed or is close to completion, however we will consider those still in process in some situations. It should have the outline listed below:
Title: short and specific
Introduction: stating the hypothesis or objective of the project
Methods: measurements, design, inclusion & exclusion criteria
Results: summary with appropriate data
Conclusion: succinct summary
Up to 2 references
By submitting your work you agree to at least one author from each accepted presentation to attend the conference. Of course all authors are welcome! After the conference all authors will receive a certificate for presenting at this national conference (these will be sent to the corresponding author to pass on to other authors).
Prizes: there will be prizes for best poster and oral presentation which will be decided at the conference